
[OSX] Carbon Emacs vs Aquamacs 에 관하여.. 본문


[OSX] Carbon Emacs vs Aquamacs 에 관하여..

광이랑 2011. 8. 6. 15:33

이맥스는 이맥스이어야만 한다. 그 어떤 환경에서라도 말이다.. 

요즘들어서 아쿠아맥스(Aquamacs) 에 대한 불만이 마구 생깁니다. 이쁜것은 정말 맘에 들지만, 진정한 이맥스 같지가 않단 말이죠. 이맥스란 무릇 자신이 원하는 대로 모든 것이 세팅되어야 함을 말하는 데, 아쿠아맥스는 디폴트로 세팅되어 있는 것이 강력할 뿐 아니라, 제 데스크탑에 설치되어 있는 (우분투 머신을 말합니다) GNU 이맥스와도 개발환경이 동일하지 않습니다. 그래서 카본 이맥스로 넘어가 볼까 고민하던 찰나에 해외에서 찾은 정말 멋진 말입니다. (물론 이맥스 유저들에게 한해서 입니다) 문장 중간, 중간의 볼드체로 되어 있는 것이 필자가 정말 강조하고 싶은 것이겠지요. 절절하게 공감이 갑니다.  

그래서 결론은 '카본 이맥스'를 쓰라는 것입니다. 

As a long-time emacs user, I would recommand against "exotic" versions of emacs (aquamacs falls in this catagory, but this "starter kit" thing as well, and let me try to explain why), just for the sake of finger-training and brain-training also.

My argument is that you want to learn emacs once and for all, regardless of the platform (i.e. combination of OS/desktop/hardware/whatever) you'll be using emacs on. Almost every flavour of unix comes with a preinstalled emacs, so the hope is that you'll never have to resort to e.g. vi, even in the most hostile environments (for instance, editing a /etc config file on a remote HP/UX server via ssh). You'll still be able to use the old emacs 19 that sits there, and even if it does not have your config files (that is, your starter kit, your keybindings, and stuff), you'll still have say 70% of your usual editing powers at hand.

And if you find yourself often forced to edit those file on that hostile machine, you will want to mirror your .emacs config on that old emacs as much as possible. Of course, you will lose along the way some stuff that is not supported there, but again, good'ol emacs will always be emacs even if a diminished one.

Of course, if you control perfectly your working environment, e.g. if you only ever work only on your shiny mac laptop, you might want a fancier version of emacs, just because it will be easier to use Cmd-C/Cmd-V than to learn Meta-W/Ctrl-Y. And for the same reason if you develop in one language you might want to actually use a full-blown IDE with super-powers tailored for that language (e.g. Eclipse, Xcode, whatever). But you know that sometime, you will have to edit an unexpected file like a shell script, or a web page, or a Python script, or who knows what kind of text file, and this is why you want to use the omni-powerful One True Editor in the first place.

And this is the reason why I use Carbon Emacs on my shiny mac laptop: I get the exact same (emacs) features on the Ubuntu box I'm forced to use at work, using the exact same config files (handcrafted during my ten years of emacsery), and still I can feel quite confortable on other people's or other machines' emacsen.

...my two cents

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